Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds. cough or sneeze into a tissue or use your elbow. Avoid contact with people who are sick. www.sacoronavirus.co.za

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Salient is an excellent design with a fresh approach for the ever-changing Web. Integrated with Gantry 5, it is infinitely customizable, incredibly powerful, and remarkably simple.


Whether you employ one person or a hundred, ensuring payroll is correct can be demanding and time-consuming.

It can also be challenging keeping up-to-date with the increasingly complex demands of administration and making sure you meet your obligations as an employer. At MFH we can take the hassle away from you, so you've got the time to concentrate on what you're good at - running your business.

Our Payroll Services include:

• Prepare monthly payroll and salary slips
• Maintain payroll master data
• Calculate monthly statutory reductions
• Prepare monthly UIF, SDL, PAYE returns
• Complete and provide employee IRP5s
• Complete and submit IRP5
• Registration as an employer with SARS
• Registration as an employer with the Department of Labour
• Registration as an employer with the Compensation Commissioner
• Calculation, completion and submitting of EMP201 returns
• EMP501 reconciliation and issuing of tax certificates
• Declarations with the department of labour
• Annual wage return with the Compensation Commissioner